Lost card
You have already searched everywhere and haven’t found it neither in the car, nor in your handbag, nor in the fridge? Don’t forget to check your freezer as well, but if your Kolkovna Friends Fidelity Card is not there either, don’t worry! Your benefits are not lost.
Just pop in a Kolkovna Restaurant for a glass of beer or in AROMA to have some nice lobster and pick up a new card.Tell our staff you have lost your card and before you finish your beer, you will get a new one. New card is issued free of charge, all you have to do is as follows:
- Log in Kolkovna Friends system using your email and password you set when you signed in. Yes, you can ask the system to generate a new password for you.
- You don’t remember your email either? Write us an email at friends@kolkovna.cz
- Once you have successfully logged in the system, click on “Card Administration” (Správa karty). Then you will have to enter the number of your new card.
- Click on “Send the Request to Change my Card” button (Odeslat žádost o změnu karty).
Your overall spending and the level of discount from your original card will be uploaded on your new card within 24 hours.
Kolkovna Friends Card in your mobile phone
Has it ever happened to you to have forgotten your KOLKOVNA FRIENDS Fidelity Card and thus could not make use of the benefits it offers? Or you are not so fond of having all those plastic cards with you? Indeed, your purse cannot fit everything.
We have come up with a solution for you.
Upload your Kolkovna Friends Card in Qerko application. It is easy, just open Qerko application and enter the email connected to your KOLKOVNA FRIENDS membership. Then confirm the link you will immediately receive in your email box.
Your KOLKOVNA FRIENDS Card packed with benefits will be available for you for good. Well, as long as have your mobile phone with you.

Benefits of Kolkovna Friends membership can be used also in our e-shop
Did you already become our “meal and beer” friend, sign in our Kolkovna Friends Fidelity Programme and have you been using all the benefits, such as among others up to 20% discount for consumption during each stay of any restaurant of Kolkovna chain?
When a day comes when you don’t feel like going out, just try ordering online via our restaurants e-shop. Indeed, your benefits can be applied even there. Before making an online order, please log in the eshop: you will do it in the upper right part using the email you had used for signing in Kolkovna Friends. The discount currently valid in your Kolkovna Friends will be automatically applied for all items in our eshop. But be careful! Reduced prices are so attractive that you might very easily order much more than you can eat. #mealandbeerfriendship